Saturday, February 2, 2013

Funny Questions Kids Ask

“Coach Jack, who do I have to kill to stop this madness?”
I suppose the question wouldn’t have bothered me so much had it been asked by someone my age. Coming from a teenager (one of several young people to ask me that question of late), it caused me to think before spouting off with my usual “Kill them all.” (I’m such an optimist, thinking someone might actually be able to do that, kill them all.)
“Jack, it’s sad that you are such a misanthrope. Humans are herding animals. Your rejection of the herd means you will die in the coming stampede as the races of Man make war against each other. Mark my words. Your friends, your own family, will turn against you if you try to stand alone.” This from a white Nationalist I used to exchange emails with. (I’ve given a lot of thought to his words and think he’s partly right. Some people I know will move with the herd, but some will stand up, choose to be men and women rather than sheep and cows. I’d sooner stand, and die, with men and women than live as a bleater, or cud chewer.)
 “Jack, you do know the American Experiment is over, don’t you? It failed, just as was its destiny. Humanity is not ready for self-rule. People are stupid cows. They want to be in a herd, told what to do, how to live, what to think. How can you not know this?” The European who asked me these questions has forgotten more history than I’ve bothered to learn. I’ve tried to blow the comment off as typical European arrogance, or socialist propaganda.
Looking to other Europeans I’ve met, all having reached adulthood in communist countries; I realize they too think America is over, The Experiment having predictably failed. Some of them merely shrug. They have their big screen TVs and a car, neither luxury was affordable in the homeland. “Sure America is dying, but it’s still better than where we came from. We will be in our graves before the worst of America’s collapse effects us.”
Others shake their heads. “I’ll go home if it (America) gets as bad as I think it will. Yes, Europe is in worse shape, but we’ve lived through two world wars and have never been as wealthy, before or after them, as you Americans are now. Yes, I love the luxuries I have here, but living without them? I’m better off going home where I have family.”
Then there are the people who nearly bring me to tears. “Jack, come here to live. We know how to survive. Please bring your family here and let us help you get through the bad times we see coming, especially for America.”
“Jack, you do know the American Experiment is over, don’t you?”
But- but-
An argument begins in my head. “Do you not understand that the current government administration’s dismantling of your country is not the problem, but merely the fruit of the problem? America, the very concept, the essence of it, is a rotting corpse held together by the mycelium of a toxic fungus. The leaders you see are simply the fruiting bodies, the mushrooms visible on the surface. Pick them off if you like; the fungus lives on, interwoven in the corpse.”
I guess I see the truth in all this. Somewhere, in this madhouse I call home, used to be a book, a teacher’s guide, copyrighted in the early part of the 20th century. The focus of the book was social engineering, an end to The American Experiment. The utopians were certain they could change this country, and the world, via education, or indoctrination, depending on one’s viewpoint. Creating a herd of “planned thinking” automatons was probably in the works before the 1910s, but I haven’t read a book (written by any American with that bent) from earlier than 1914 or ’15.
With so many people telling me “America, as you know it, is finished”, including our current President (a typical utopian; preaching what we should be doing while he does the opposite), coupled with a hundred years of social engineering; via our schools promoting the dismantling of The American Experiment, I’ll admit it’s probably too late to turn things around. (Those who saw the collapsing of Rome’s civilization failed to wake its citizens in time to defeat entropy, which took hundreds of years. Our collapse is happening at the speed of the Internet.)
But- but- what about other peoples, other cultures trying to break free of the madness America is sinking into?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, writes in her book “Infidel”, that her father was infatuated with the American Experiment, enamored with our Constitution and talked of creating a Somalia based on the ideals of America! He infected his daughter with his dreams of a Great Somali Experiment and betrayed her by selling her into a traditional Islamic marriage according to the customs of his tribe. Perhaps the European and American utopians are correct and no amount of idealism can overrule what human nature has dictated? Perhaps humanity will always rise above its base nature only to descend into totalitarian dictatorship? What is utopia but a dictatorship?
So what do I tell the youths who ask, “Who do I have to kill?”
Everyone or no one.
There is no sense in hurling yourself against the wall of humanity as it stands today. Better to adopt a Roman Stoic mindset: endure what you cannot change, but change what you can. At the very least, learn to read and think. Hord “paper” books. (Digital books are too easy to manipulate. Ask George Orwell.) Observe what has happened, learn from my generation’s mistakes. Remember what is right and good, and prepare to survive. Always remember that out of the fall of Rome, America was born, eventually. Something greater than America will rise out of her rotting corpse. You must be the seed waiting for that moment.
Even at the darkest moments of the Soviet empire, people took their children into secret places and taught them the true history of their people to counter the indoctrination of the communist lies (state education).
The American Experiment went farther than any of the European utopians thought it could. The next turn around the Wheel will see an even greater experiment put into practice. Live to be the seeds of that moment.
Or simply enjoy the ride to the bottom. That’s what most people will be doing.

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