Thursday, October 3, 2013

I finally found my way into the Maryland version of Obamacare!

I hate to use vulgar language online (I use enough of it offline), but holy shit! I just got off the phone with someone from, I'm not sure what, about purchasing healthcare insurance via Yep, I went looking again and SHAZAM! there was a place to buy insurance where it wasn't yesterday.

So I give the site some info anyone can find about me in a Google search and finally get a page that lists the various options I have here in the great communist state of O'Malleyland (sometimes called Maryland, but seldom the Free State it once was, if it ever was.)

A list of plans from the most affordable to the least pops up and I'm busy trying to get my jaw to rehinge as the phone rings. Like magic someone connected to the healthcare site is calling to offer me a red or blue pill. Or was it red or green? Maybe it was a tour of Fantasyland?

I tell the nice female that I’m only curious as to what all this stuff is about and I’m not ready to buy anything. Hell, I am still struggling with the cost of the cheapest plan when I'm turned over to another polite female who will assist me in making my purchase. Before I can explain why I visited the website we’re off on the hard sell. After all, everyone wants health insurance don’t they? It takes me a few minutes to convince this woman I’m not going to buy anything.

“But sir, you have to have insurance. It’s the law.”

I allow I have been outside the law a number of times throughout my life and I guess I will be once more. She begins her spiel again as if I haven’t said a word, trying to convince me I need to buy something! I finally manage to get her to understand that the cheapest- $10,000 deductible (I nearly laughed out loud, I'm not sure I make $10K in a year) and $135 a month for the premium is beyond my ability. (I didn’t tell her DW would be on any policy. No sense in getting into all that when I’m already trying to turn around and get out of wherever the hell I’ve gone.)

Uhh, says I. If I go with the cheapest plan that means I have to eat out of dumpsters at least one week each month as the premium is more than I spend on groceries and gas to fetch them home each week. (I didn’t tell her I have a farmer friend who will let me pick out bread and such from the piles of outdated foodstuffs he gets from stores and food banks to feed to his pigs. I gathered she was as confused as I am.)

“Well sir” she begins, “you probably qualify for tax funded assistance then.”

I stopped her. “Now why would I look to the taxpayers to pay for something I can’t afford and don’t want? The last thing I want to do is add to the burden they are already forced to carry.”

“But the law requires everyone be insured.”

I told her I’d pay the fine, tax, or whatever the hell the IRS will hit me with. Well, I’d pay it if I had the money to do so. They might squeeze blood out of me, but dollars will be a bit more difficult. I think I upset her just a bit. Evidently she hasn’t had to deal with many people from the north part of the county, let alone Emmitsburg’s Idiot of record.

She tried to give me a contact number if I changed my mind. I declined and thanked her for her time and apologized for wasting so much of it. (I assume she works on commission?)

Obama said he’d reward his friends and punish his enemies. Send your goons coward. You’ve made another enemy.

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